The Call of Blue, Reprise of Green

The Call of Blue, Reprise of Green

Long ago we tried to juggle
Easter and Passover
for the children,

it was all about chocolate
and jellybeans, bunny-hidden treats
and a new toothbrush
included in the basket because

I only see resurrection
in flowers and their eyes

that change color
like a thousand what ifs

over time. Transitions in the
seasons and the days, or sudden
as the kettle bell drum and cymbal crash

of a summer storm—Zeus throwing lightning bolts,
angels of death, one god, many—
it’s nature I worship.

Next month, we’ll recall blood and boils,
I’ll eat unleavened bread
for days that will seem longer,
remember my ancestors, the persecution and the joys,

but it’s the transient colors of spring
I’ll notice. The yellow green that quickly comes
and goes. The dance of dazzling yellow daffodils
that fades,
to rise again next spring.

My poem from the Oracle. The first phrase she gave me was “all about chocolate.” Most years it seems that Easter and Passover coincide. This year, they’re a month apart. Monday is the start of April–and poetry month.

38 thoughts on “The Call of Blue, Reprise of Green

  1. If only the blood in the stories could turn the blood in our world around into spring and new life for everyone. I don’t believe in worshipping anything, but I honor Mother Earth and her seasons. Yes, let’s celebrate new life, the return of the sun. (K)

  2. “I only see resurrection
    in flowers and their eyes…” this was such a perfect phrase… I love this so much, Merril. You know my spirituality is very eclectic, but this spoke to me. Thank you. 🙏🏻

  3. Contemplative is the word I’d use to describe this poem. It’s a time of year full of symbols that don’t mean much in the modern world. Eggs are chocolate now, like bunny rabbits, no one dies (except baby sheep), we all live forever and the seasons mean aspiring to summer holidays by the sea or winter holidays in the mountains. I like your quiet gaze following the course of the yellow, green and blue xx

  4. I kind of love that both the Christian and Jewish special events often occur together (of course, this year being different, just because). I’m with you; I don’t celebrate the religious thing. I’m a bad Catholic. I just love getting together with my family and these special occasions allow for that.

    I, also, celebrate nature and all that she offers at each season.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend! And Happy Easter 😉

    • Thank you very much, Dale! Yes, I like getting together with family, too, and a holiday is sort of a built-in reason to do so.

      Hope you have a lovely holiday-birthday weekend!

  5. Such complicated juggling I have never thought of, although every religious festival must be confusing for children of different faiths. Nature is a fine focus. If fits in neatly today

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