Messengers of May

Monday Morning Musings:

Messengers of May

I forgot to light a candle last night,
forgot the dead, forgot the past,
focused on breath and sparks
of life, the flowers blooming,
as Death is looming, a long shadow
over blue.

I dreamt of a rainbow, dreamt of life,
not knowing Iris meant rainbow, not knowing
she was a go-between, crossing the arc, the bridge
between the gods and humans. Fleet-footed envoy, a graceful queen,
she carries the colors for Persephone and Demeter
to herald May, whatever it brings.

This is the month of flowers and revolution. This is the month
of death and new life. Pink to purple, spring green to moss and
emerald. The buzzing bees are striped broaches pinned to brilliant blooms.
Now the robins with full choir wake the sun, and goslings toddle after goose
and gander.

But iris is the messenger of come what May.
My little cat has another day. And though the crows call, Beware!
I smile as the spring flowers rise and wave, toss their scent
into the air.

This year Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) was sunset last night till sunset today. For those just catching up, our little Ricky cat has liver cancer, but he is still hanging on, and we are grateful. We took him to an animal ER on Wednesday, where he had an ultrasound. I’m glad we decided to bring him home on palliative medication. He woke me up at 4 AM for breakfast today, so I apologize if I am not coherent.

The animal ER has a farm area.

This week we watched The River (Japanese, 2023) a delightful time-loop movie. This is director Yunta Yamaguchi’s second movie about a two-minute time loop. We also enjoyed the first one, Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (2020). This one is more polished. It involves the staff and patrons at a beautiful inn by a river in Kyoto. It is heartwarming and funny, and just what we needed to see.

I read the novel, The Bookbinder by Pip Williams, a historical novel set in WWI Oxford that I enjoyed very much.

And we confirmed that we need to be careful when we go out in our yard.

Skunk in the yard!

29 thoughts on “Messengers of May

  1. While it is nice to salute the dead, it is much better to focus on the present, I say. Not that we need to forget the past, never in cases like these, but forgive yourself as your present is quite occupied.

    Ricky – I am sure you are going to give him the proper palliative care filled with love. Sending an extra hug your way.

    Ummmm… that is NOT a cat 😉

  2. It was known as a polecat, at least it was in my youthful habitat, although I know now it’s not really even related.
    What a wonderful face Ricky has. I hope he will be comfortable, and I know he will receive plenty of love.
    I’ve always loved the Iris/rainbow connection. (K)

  3. Ricky has such big eyes! I always felt guilty if I experienced any sort of happiness when any of our cats were in their last days. These words ease my heart:

    “My little cat has another day. And though the crows call, Beware!
    I smile as the spring flowers rise and wave, toss their scent
    into the air.”

    There’s joy in just having another day, another hour. Nothing to feel guilty about because Life continues and what is Life but to enjoy and savor.

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