After Midnight, Before Dawn

Federico Beltran Masses, “Under the Stars,” Wikipedia Commons

After Midnight, Before Dawn

No pinprick piercings, no diamond studs sparkle tonight–
the velvet expanse under a dusty curtain, the
air almost-wet under the cloud-mantle,
the moon a nearly forgotten face of
someone once loved. This space,
with its soft psithurism, as if sound was embroidered,
overlayed on boughs. And I feel time has slowed with
unknown purpose—perhaps waiting for the return of stars.

For the dVerse prompt today, I did not write a cento, but I did write a golden shovel. I used a line from Jane Dougherty’s poem, “Defining”:

“night, the mantle of space, embroidered with stars,”

58 thoughts on “After Midnight, Before Dawn

  1. An exquisite poem and I love how you have used the line from Jane’s poem. I really loved this line

    “with its soft psithurism, as if sound was embroidered,
    overlayed on boughs. “

  2. This is beautiful, Merril. It evokes for me the sense of wonder and search for meaning and purpose, as well as thoughts of those ‘gone up into the heavens’ as we gaze into the night sky.

  3. I love your golden shovel. The standout lines for me are “the moon a nearly forgotten face of
    someone once loved” and “as if sound was embroidered, overlayed on boughs.”

  4. You chose a stellar line from which to create your golden shovel, Merri – from the doyenne of golden shovels – and you reversed the meaning! I love the line ‘no pinprick piercings, no diamond studs sparkle tonight’ and the ‘moon a nearly forgotten face of someone once loved’.

  5. I love the poem and read the comments too. What a devoted and insightful group of readers you have, Merril, “doyenne of golden shovels.”

    Of course the word psithurism caught my eye too, apparently a first cousin to the word susurration.

  6. Your golden shovel is beautiful, Merril. You would have heard me sigh at “the moon a nearly forgotten face of
    someone once loved” and “This space,
    with its soft psithurism, as if sound was embroidered”.

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