Another Sunrise, Another Moonset

Monday Morning Musings:

Another Sunrise, Another Moonset

Now the robins wake the sun,
not before four,
but a full chorus by half-past,

when our little cat, growing smaller,
has eaten some, not all,
do we call it breakfast anymore,
his small meals run together now.

We watch and wait,
grateful for another day of purrs and cuddles,
the big-eyed stare, the continuation of some routine—
sleep in the basket, blanket, chair–

and I am caught
halfway between ode and elegy,

April rain and April flowers.

Hello, again. It’s been a long week. I think our little Ricky cat may have liver cancer. He hasn’t had an ultrasound yet, but we may still have it done. Meanwhile, he’s on antibiotics, and he got a steroid shot on Saturday, which I think made him more comfortable. He seemed happier yesterday. Our days have been consumed with how much or how little he is consuming.

We were supposed to have our family Passover Seder/dinner yesterday, but I cancelled it. I froze the brisket, cooked the already defrosted turkey breast for my husband. Ricky was very interested in it, too–which was great to see–and I made us some vegetarian matzah ball soup. I have to say it’s delicious, and my matzah balls came out perfectly. I missed seeing my family, but I wasn’t up to hosting. My husband and I had a our mini Seder on Monday night, the first night of Passover. These are the matzah covers our children made when they were maybe 7 and 4? I love them, “Go Moses” and the Angel of Death. 😂 I made this almond-lemon cake for our dessert. It’s made with almond meal.

April continues to be crazy. We had our heat back on for several mornings this past week, but it was in the 80s yesterday and will be close to 90 today. It looks summery outside now—so green! And our irises are starting to bloom. I suspect our tulips may not last in the heat.

I saw this early morning street cleaner today.

45 thoughts on “Another Sunrise, Another Moonset

  1. I’m so sorry about your Ricky kitty. I know you’re both taking good care of him. This was another week of lovely photos and poetry. Happy Monday, Merril. 💖 P.S. LOL about the angel of death!

  2. We’re going through exactly the same thing. Trixie eats very little at a time, and the ‘times’ are getting less frequent. A week ago she would shout to be fed easily five times a day, now she doesn’t always get up when the dogs are fed. It’s heartbreaking.

      • Trixie is one of the family, everyone’s favourite cat. Finbar was mine. If Ricky is like Finbar, it’s going to be hard. There’s nothing will make it easier.

      • We took him to the animal ER for an ultrasound on Wednesday. I wanted to just in case it turned out he had something treatable. But he does have liver cancer. We were there all day, but the staff there is great. We brought him home, and I’m glad we did because the pain and anti-nausea meds that the ER doctor prescribed are helping. I know it’s only temporary, but it was so good to have him wake me this morning and then to eat all of his breakfast.

      • Oh! That’s good news but tinged with bad. If he’s eating again, he’s feeling better, and that’s all you can reasonably ask for. I hope the respite is a long one.

  3. It is so hard to watch them shrink before our eyes. Sending extra hugs.

    And your mini-celebration looked lovely. That soup…mmmmm! And anything rhubarb works for me 🙂

    Daffs and magnolia are in full bloom here and the tulips are starting to pop. Finally!

    • Thank you.💙 It is very hard.

      Thank you about the food, and I’m glad you finally have spring! We’re having summer today. I’m wondering if we’ll have to turn the a/c on.

  4. Beautiful but poignant writing, Meril. It’s so difficult watching our loved ones grow weaker. Blessings to you all. 💙

  5. Such a bittersweet poem and beautiful photos. I especially like the one of Ricky (of course!). You didn’t ask for advice but I’ll give it anyway: have the ultrasound done. It might help in understanding what he’s going through, in finding ways to make him comfortable or even feel better. I could share stories, but each kitty is unique, I’ve come to believe so I’ll stop here. Hugs to you and Doug, and lots of cuddles for Ricky. ❤️

  6. I’m absolutely sick about Ricky.

    My Pupkin had a cancer. He did get smaller and smaller. He followed me when I switched rooms. I carried his food & water around wherever I went.

    Wherever we were together, his food would be there for him. He nibbled, like it seems Ricky is doing. He purred and we loved each other. His last days were content. In his way he told me when.

    It’s stressful, I believe, to take a sick cat out of his environment. My vet always came here. She could feel the growth, so there was no point distressing the cat with trips out of the home.

    I know there is more to this post than Ricky. After Ricky I seem to only see your children’s “Go Moses” and the Angel of Death.

    Sending hugs!

    • Thank you, Resa.
      Ricky is having a good day today. He woke me up this morning, and he ate all of his breakfast. Unfortunately, our vet does not come to the house. We took him to the animal ER on Wednesday. The doctor there was so wonderful and compassionate, even when he confirmed from the ultrasound that Ricky has liver cancer. The anti-nausea and pain meds seem to be helping him (prescribed by the ER vet on Wednesday.)
      Thank you for your kind words and hugs.

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