Two Poems for Day 28


Tempura Garden

Spring green
scallions, parsnips, carrots, radish roots
colored-blocked in rainbow hues
a garden created for you

by your hand. A stand of strands gathered—
a feast for eye, and lightly batter-fried,
all your stomach wants, all it demands,

a mouthfeel of crisp color, fresh-picked zip,
an imagined cuisine, a nascent, growing dream.


Winter Break

Through the whishing-swish of wiper blades
across the teary glass,
he saw the house in murky light, its
spire seemed determined to rise above the gloom,
the windows were closed eyes, the door a pursed mouth,
the warning signs were there–but still
he did not hesitate to knock, the structure,
his school friend’s home. A hand without an arm,
beckoned him to enter,
the Addams Family house.

For Day 28 of Paul Brookes’ annual ekphrastic challenge, my poems were inspired by the artwork of Karen Pierce Gonzalez and Robert Frede Kenter. You can see the art and read other responses here.

12 thoughts on “Two Poems for Day 28

  1. The end of the second poem is a riot. The Adams Family house was a fun curiosity.

    As for the first poem, as a veggie and lover of tempura…. YAY!

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